The time is now….

Tomorrow I leave for the beginning of the Temple Project hike.  I have trained as hard and as well as I could….I have packed and repacked…and now it’s time for my feet to hit the road and to try to do my part to make a difference.  First, I have to thank my beautiful family for supporting me – Matt, Taylor and Matthew, I could not have done this project without your support so thank you and I love you.  bag

Next, a HUGE thank you to all the generous donors….together we have raised over $10,000 to help support the Alzheimer’s Association and all that they do for families struggling.  And, the donations are still coming in – from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you. (

Finally, my list of names to honor/remember continues to grow – and THIS is why I am doing this hike – to raise my voice to be sure that we are heard – that our loved ones are acknowledged and that by making them known, to raise awareness for just how many people are affected, and just how devastating Alzheimer’s is to patients and families.

Follow my blog for the next two weeks as I journal the hike – our ups, and our downs, and when we reach Agrigento, to follow me reading all the names.  I am humbled and grateful for all of the support, and I know that this effort, and these funds, will help us find the first survivor.  With much love and gratitude – Karen